This series of crypto art tells the story of bitcoin… I will be creating pieces to comment on highlights in its journey… I originally created Gingko Crypto first followed by Satoshi Summons the Bulls and Satoshi Rides the Waves of Change… I then went back in time to record the birth of bitcoin with Satoshi Goes Down the Rabbit hole… there are another 2 pieces in my head following the rabbit hole… enjoy
1. Satoshi Goes Down the Rabbit Hole

The story… in the beginning
Capturing the moments before the birth of the genius known as bitcoin… The egg shape represents the birth of great things and new ideas
Since Satoshi is male/female/group the figure is made up of a variety of male and female parts… just like bitcoin itself is made up of several different technologies
The laptop preceding them represents the only tool he/she/they needed to learn and to create as they drifted into the realm of universal consciousness
To see more pictures and information or to buy Satoshi Goes Down the Rabbit Hole click here
2. & 3. (coming soon)
4. Gingko Crypto

The Story…
The Gingko tree is famed for living over 1000 years… the gingko leaves signify a change… and over the horizon we see that change coming… so this change is one that will last 1000 years… the onlooker (satoshi) watches his work unfurl
The mountains might look familiar to you, they’re the bitcoin price 20th August 2017 to 20th August 2018
To see more pictures and information or to buy Gingko Crypto click here
5. Satoshi Summons the Bulls

The story… after the hype
After the hype and the year long correction, capitulation set in and the market saw an unexpected additional big drop on 13th November 2018
Satoshi, pointing towards this sudden decrease in price summons the bulls
NOTE: No hodlrs were harmed during the correction and capitulation
To see more pictures and information or to buy Satoshi Summons the Bulls click here
6. Satoshi Rides the Waves of Change

The story… after capitulation
After the correction and capitulation, developers carried on doing what they do best and what they had never stopped doing, improving and innovating…
In March 2019 the fruits of the community began to be realised… it is now impossible to ignore the tsunami of blockchain innovation that is heading towards society
The mountain range (bitcoin price) goes up to March 30th 2019
To see more pictures and information or to buy Satoshi Rides the Waves click here
7. The Invisible Hand

The see more pics and video click here
8. Dip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah

For more images and video click here