We all know that bitcoin is going to the moon, so why not have fun beating the shitcoins on the way..
This is the ultimate in real world bitcoin gaming!
Who’s going to win… Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash, or EOS vs Ethereum?… It’s up to you!
Each playing piece has a genuine British 2 pence copper coin in the bottom to give it weight and allowing you to slide your bits all over the place like a greased up pornstar… since there’s a war on cash… this is my way of preserving these soon-to-be-relics… you could say each piece is backed by fiat (but that would mean its degrading in value, so don’t it)
Each set comes with some funky dice… I can’t promise you what colours, but trust me bro they’re cool.
It has been a labour of love creating this beauty… 1 month in design and production… and I’m proud to release it to the wild… I hope you think it’s worth it.
If you don’t buy one today, please share it on your socials.

Please tell me which 2 crypto’s you would like to include in the set on check out or PM me through the Telegram channel.