¡Pura Vida!
What happens when the Nostrich sticks its head down the Rabbit hole?
¡Pura Vida!
Pure Life – Chiefmonkey
Purpose & Value
The protocols of prosperity
The language of life
This is the way
The truth and the light
What a beautiful couple they make… the perfect combination of protocols to build Society5.0
Bitcoin is the protocol of value, Nostr is the protocol of purpose
At the centre of the piece we have a Tori gate. Tori gates in Japan are the gateway to a sacred and spiritual place. Beyond we have the rising sun of hope.
The Cherry Blossom tree traditionally represents change.
This is a collaboration between myself and Mosaic.Rocks… 100% of the profits will be going to fund Plebeian.Market

Dimensions: 49cm high x 69cm wide x 37cm deep 12kg
Materials: Birch wood veneer and Poplar ply with traditional wood stain and hemp wax finish. Ostrich is Czech glass beads and stained glass, and the Rabbit is Sea Bamboo and stained glass.
Price: To be auctioned at Bitcoin Conference Miami 2023 using Plebeian Market